Thursday, April 15, 2010

Definition Essay: Time: An Indefinite Period

We all know what time is. We think that time is something that is shown by the clock. There is more to know about time than just seeing it as something on the clock. A lot of us say that "Time is gold." But do we really know how relevant time is? A period of time is considered as a resource under your control and enough to accomplish your goal.
Time is different in many ways. It depends on culture. Filipino and Americans have differences in culture. They are different in the way they give importance to time. Americans are said to be always "on time" while Filipinos have this manana habit- doing things later. Even a man or a woman is different in dealing with time. Women tend to take time longer than men. This is because women love attention. Time appreciation is also different in different environments. In rural areas, people wake up early. In urban areas, people wake up whenever they want; it always depends on their schedules. Even though people have control over time, time should not be wasted. One should be wise enough to manage his or her time.

Time is very important. Life is short. Every day, every minute, and every second matters. Each day is an opportunity. Any way you look at it, any person has to design and manage his or her time. Today, technology is evolving. Everything is fast paced. New technology emerges in an instant. If you delay something, somebody else will be ahead of you. This is a lost opportunity. This has a major impact on businesses. For example, in a factory, output for every man hour is very critical. Labor is always measured specially where labor cost has gone up. Also in advertising, every second is paid. Every second is important in relaying the message to the people. Everything today is fast paced. Time is under your control and it should not be wasted because every second is enough to accomplish something. Speed is the name of the game. The fastest will emerge a winner and the other will be left out.

Jollibee today is known as the top leading fastfood chain in the Philippines. Mang Inasal is a new fastfood chain. Mang Inasal just started recently and the company was able to introduce the chicken barbecue concept. The reason behind this is time. Mang Inasal was able to come up with this idea in less than five years. Jollibee was already operating for more than fifty years but they were not able to think of this concept. Knowing that Mang Inasal's chicken barbecue was a hit, Jollibee also introduce their own chicken barbecue. Mang Inasal used time as a resource and they accomplished something immediately and that is introducing the chicken barbecue. Another is Windows and Mac. If Mac was able to come out earlier than Windows, people would know how to use it. People who use Mac say that it is much easier to use than Windows. Mac is more user friendly and easier to use than Windows. But Mac was not fast enough to introduce their software. People are used to using Windows because they are more familiar with it. If only Mac was popularized way back when Windows was introduced, then Mac will emerge as the winner. Windows was able to use their time well and they managed to get people's attention. They introduced a software that is easy to use at an affordable price. Time should be a resource under your control and enough to accomplish something.

Time should be given importance and it should not be wasted. Time is different depending on where you are from, what you are and what culture you have. Time is important, be it in business, school or even just waking up in the morning. We may be different in dealing with time. Time should not be wasted because time wasted is a lost opportunity. It is a resource that should be under your control. It is up to you how you will manage it as long as you use it wisely to accomplish your goal.


All I can say is that I am really happy with the output of this essay. I really worked hard on this. I had a hard time to not go beyond the required number of pages. In this essay, I can say that this is a very abstract definition for time. I have discussed about some examples that may involve time and how it is different for each of us.

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